15 May 2017

New Nerf Toys in Mcdonld's UK

A range of wearable/active play  inspired Nerf toys out now. It was an interesting program to work on and avoid many pitfalls of  'perceived gun' , safety hazards and achieve a gender neutral appeal... phew.

I was told, colleague's little girl hid her toy from her sibling to keep it all to herself   > . <  That really made me smile


  1. These are great JJ. I can tell it's not your normal cup of tea, but you got the (non)gun and gender balance thing to come across really well.

  2. Thanks for popping by Tom (:] it certainly was outside of my comfort zone :D and not with plenty of time to complete it..

    1. Haha! It wouldn't be any fun if you had too much time!

  3. كثيراً ما يضيّع الإنسان الكثير من وقته في قراءة كتاب غير مفيد، أو قراءة كتاب صعب بينما هناك الأسهل، أو كتاب سطحي بينما هناك الأعمق.
    مدافن للبيع
    مقابر للبيع
    تحميل واتساب الذهبي
    مقابر للبيع
    خبير سيو
    خبير سيو

  4. Fantastic design and a fun toy.It's a shame I don't go to McDonalds.
