25 May 2011

8th Day in Picasso Pictures

After speaking today with James Boty, I’ve got few of the creatures done and ready, two almost there and one more to “bring to life”. I should finish the project before I leave Friday , so in a way, there  I have a deadline .

During lunch brake I went for a walk in Soho and accidentally passed framework studio’s ( They did the spectacular illustration of The Tale of The Three Brothers, for Harry Potter Deathly Hallows )
. There were runners and rotoscoping artists just sitting on the stairs during their brake, so I asked them  about framestore and in general talked a bit. Apparently the studio  has two buildings, one working in films, one in commercials. The career steps for new recruits sounded very close to double negative’s  usual employment rutine , where you start from runner, then go to rotoscoping, do tutorials ect. Most importantly, the studio has recently launched a  massive employment and are looking for runners and employees in many other fields .

Lastly I was given an advice to make sure and get reference letters from Picassopictures, from people who I worked with mostly, that is Inga Johnson, producer, and James Boty.(I’ll ask Inga’s if she could do the same for Ruben).

And there are two more days to go…


  1. Būūūū Boleeee, būūūū. Va va va va, nupisaa dviiirati...

  2. O katras!! ? :D Antanas ar Julius cia? :D

  3. recommendation letters sounds like a good idea, I wanted to feature stuff like that on my website.
