25 Feb 2011

Let the Penguines Walk: Setting for Animation

In this project decision was to first do the animation and only then go to detailed set building.

So I started looking at substances to prepare myself for animating. Also it really helped to go into the mindset for animating. So first of all , I want to share what I found .

Animation tips and tricks is a blog where animators answer common questions and share their own techniques of animating, whether it would be the pipeline, trickery or a "checklist". Also they've published 2 free e-books for downloading .

These resources inform my practice.

Other than that I'm now looking for video references to inform the animation scenarios.

For example,in the beginning, while the Bird is unaware of himself in his infancy stage, he walks much like a penguin. So to test animate the walk cycle I first looked at penguins walking.

and here is very first animation test. As I decided to spend some time and get acquainted with Bird's controls ( and there were some problems to solve as well...)

I spent.. well, a bout 8 hours there... I did few of the animations but didn't hesitate to start all over when it was clear that there wasn't anything substantial..

This test was one of more...something. But still.. It so clear that I need to work on animating skills... I think I'll go back to bouncing ball :D start from there perhaps. Get the weighting sorted.


  1. saw this, thought of you and Ivan


  2. and this:


  3. this looks useful too...


  4. Thnaks for these links, some good advice I found there.
    Also, you've mentioned once there is some information about specific body language ( subtle details like tilts of head etc.) is it a site you were talking about?
    I'd love to get it

  5. http://kylekenworthy.blogspot.com/search/label/Acting%20Reference
