23 Nov 2010

Drawing Therapy

Today at uni I saw all the wonderful graphite pencils Godwin has, the ones which have no wooden container, full graphite only. And  literally just tried draw nothing, purposefully nothing. Later on Godwin employed all the colour meanings and Freudian  theories   we were taught last year to interpet it :D .
Anyway, it felt good to draw just for no reason. Refreshing. But now its time to get back to the character design  :)


  1. hmmm - but what does it mean? :-)

  2. Not that I know :D ... well, we saw a bycycle in there, and I was in Amsterdam recently, so perhaps it's my experience, that's what it means :D

  3. Discharge Therapy sounds wrong... very, very wrong.

  4. Jon I think that says more about you dude!
