Information presented by J.J. *Jolanta Jasiulionyte* that’s what can be called an embodyment of Truman show . A completely created world by Disneys World company - Celebration town.
Celebration, Florida is a Walt Disney Company developed community in Osceola County, Florida in the U.S., near Walt Disney World Resort.
In the early 1990s, the Disney De¬vel¬op¬ment Company (DDC) es¬tab¬lished the Cel¬e¬bra¬tion Com¬pany to spear¬head its de¬vel¬op¬ment within ap¬prox¬i¬mately 20 km2 of land in the south¬ern por¬tion of the Reedy Creek Im¬prove¬ment District. Total in¬vest¬ment for the project is es¬ti¬mated at US$2.5 bil¬lion. Cel¬e¬bra¬tion is planned in an early 20th century-architectural style
There’s also another town called Seaside, that is created, also in Florida. It’s the place where many shots were taken for the Truman Show.
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