29 Sept 2011

Vizualising the Story of the Fight between two Wolves

Leo and I today have finally drawn out an image sequence which now covers the full story. The decision was for both of us to try and create an animatic , so to see each's take. (A note on the soundtrack, it was edited, so at some parts, the pacing music suggests rather falls off...)

 This sequence embodies a metaphor. Two wolves , which represent the good and the bad side in each of us, race from the unconscious part of our psyche to the conscious one, with the aim to take over and  dominate one's entity . On the way each of the two seemingly take over. However, it all comes to an equal fight at the end, as the legend concludes, there is no single winer, as it is us who decide  which side will take over.


  1. okay then - music works in terms of tone etc, - BUT - the external examiner for the course has requested that any music in CG projects should be royalty-free/copyright free or specially commissioned, otherwise the resulting film's ability to be shown beyond the walls of the Uni is capped. You know, it might be worth trying to find a new, young composer and simply getting them to write for you...

  2. yes, I was suggesting this to Leo. this piece of music serves for development
