18 Jan 2013

Medeine, Baltic Goddess of the Forest

 MedeinÄ— (derived from medis (tree) ), is one of the main deities in  Baltic mythology, She is a ruler of forests, trees and animals. Medeina is depicted as a young silver-haired woman and a she-wolf;  an unmarried beautiful huntress. Her duty is not to help the hunters, but to protect the forest.

For a long time I wanted to do a painting as resolved as this.Overall, I think it was an excellent exercise in illustration and not as much in character design. I paid particular attention to poses, composition and colour (a great challenge was to avoid  the generic blue-wash looks). Again, haven't used much reference here, only for the skin colour under moonlight.

 photo Medeina-goddess-GIF_zps47f2a1da.gif

Didn't have so much fun painting like this in ages! ((:]I hope next character from the Baltic Gods family, will be Telovelis...